You Don’t Need A Partner To Have a Boudoir Session

Sure, having a partner is a great thing, but I’m here to bust down that excuse you’re telling yourself that you can only have a boudoir session if you have a partner. That’s bull-crap!

I’ll preface this with saying that yes, a lot of my past clients have done a boudoir session with me as a gift to their significant other. However, they have all come to realize that it wasn’t just a gift for them, but also for themselves.

When you set out on this journey of having a boudoir session, you’re giving yourself permission to feel good about everything about you. It ends up being so much more about you and your wants versus just a gift for them. And that’s exactly what it should be about.

So when potential clients ask whether or not they should book a session if they don’t have someone special in their lives to share it with, I will absolutely be hiring a skywriter to scream it out into existence: YES!

I can think of at least 20 reasons off the top of my head that you should have a boudoir session just for you, and the women I have photographed can tell you first hand that your session doesn’t need to be for, or because, of anyone except you. Here are just some of them:

  1. Give yourself a mental and physical boost

  2. Celebrate yourself!

  3. Wash away all your insecurities

  4. To LOVE your body!

  5. It’s your birthday!

  6. You lost or gained weight

  7. You broke free of something or someone

  8. Celebrate your womanhood, femininity, and sassy side!

  9. Embrace your powerful, graceful, sexy body

  10. Pamper yourself

  11. You want to play dress up (or dress down ;D)

  12. Step out of your comfort zone

  13. Feel comfortable in the skin you’re in

  14. Romance yourself!

  15. You reached a major goal in your life

  16. You finally have the time for you

  17. A daily, empowering reminder of how beautiful you are

  18. This is TRULY for you

  19. You found your courage and know your worth

  20. You WANT to! (this one is my favorite)

The benefits of a boudoir session as a gift to yourself are limitless.

My ultimate goal is that you will leave your session (after that same day reveal) feeling empowered and like a Leading Lady, who’s name deserves to be up on the marquee. You’ll have a new outlook on life, on yourself, and your confidence as you take on the world.

I know you are ready. I know it’s time for you to put yourself first.

Gifting yourself a boudoir session can be life changing. Want to change that? Let’s chat!


The One Piece of Lingerie That Looks Good on Everyone


5 Great Tips For Your Boudoir Session