5 Things You Should Definitely Know About A Boudoir Session

You want to know all about boudoir…that is why you’re here, right? You probably all know about what boudoir actually is and maybe a little bit about how it might make you feel before, during and after. But, what you still don’t know is what exactly the steps are to having a boudoir experience, or the secrets about Starstruck in particular that you’re unaware of.

So, let me share them! Let me guide you through 5 things that you need to know in order to make the most of your boudoir session:


Seriously, it is. Some people call them butterflies, I call them bats. Because a bat’s wing span and flap is so much more loud than butterflies. It makes your stomach twist and turn and will have you second guessing everything…and that’s 100% okay. Everyone gets these!

When I first jumped into boudoir photography as my niche, I certainly did; and I still do every time I make a phone call to connect with a client. I’ve never been the best at physical phone calls and holding an actual conversation (texting and emailing is my jam), so to make a phone call and hear another person’s voice is very nerve wracking.

I say all that to let you know that you’ve got a cheerleader in your corner. I am here to help you combat those bats in your stomach, with physical baseball bats. I will whack them down and kill them on the spot, and then bury them in a respectful way, all in order to help you overcome and tackle those feelings of unworthiness.

I will hold you hand, walk you through step by step, help you choose all your outfits (more on this later), and help you decide all the pretty products you want to buy. But most of all, I will be here to be your hype woman and hopefully, turn you into a version of yourself that’s been waiting to be unleashed.

#2 - Your View on Your Body Will Probably Change

Listen, we all have pudges and spots of loose skin or fat that we look down on. I have some underneath my arms and right on my hips that will just not go away - and don’t even get me started on my chin. But even with that, I know I’m at the best version of me when I’m authentic to myself, and when I look in the mirror, I’m good with what I see and who I am.

You might be at a place where you’re not okay with that…yet. Even if you aren’t, and you still have those aforementioned bats, I still want to encourage you to think about a boudoir session (preferably with me, or even someone else), because a session might actually change your mind about the skin you are in.

In fact, I’m willing to bet that it will.

The moment I turn around my camera, during your session, you might just see what I see. You won’t focus on the lumps, bumps, dark veins or cellulite. What you will focus on is the amazing human being that you have become and are right in that moment and you’re embracing it - all while wearing a sexy piece of lingerie.

#3 - You Will Find Out Who Your True Friends Are Through A Session

Listen, boudoir is a very empowering niche of photography. It’s also polarizing as well as some people have very stern and (can I say it?) wrong views of it - and it might impact friendships that you’ve had for a long time.

Some people just don’t “get” what boudoir is all about, and as much as you try to convince them that it’s one of the best forms of self care, and it’s uplifting, and exhilarating, and liberating experiences, and even if you tell them of your ‘holy sh**!’ moments of astonishment after seeing your images and products, they still don’t - and that’s on them. Not you.

You took a huge, gigantic, chance on yourself (and on me!) to get you out of your head, to show off that you are amazing with every curve, and that should not be berated or looked down upon, but more applauded and praised.

#4 - This is NOT “Glamour Shots”

This is absolutely showing my age here, but does anyone remember what Glamour Shots were? They would always have a booth or storefront in the mall and would always be pitching to moms to get these glamour portraits done. You’d get your hair and makeup done and get wrapped up in giant feathered tops and such. There might have even been a cowboy hat or two suggested…

Not to say that Glamour Shots were bad at all, but they were of that time - the 90s. So, maybe, let’s leave them there?

Boudoir isn’t just showing your gorgeous face, it’s showing all of your - all the curves, all the stretch marks, all the laugh lines - all of YOU. You’ll still get amazing headshot portraits too, but boudoir goes beyond that. It’s not just about capturing images; it's about empowering yourself, embracing your individuality, and showing off all that confidence that I know you have.

#5 - It’s Honestly, The Best Birthday Gift

Hear me out here, and picture it (bonus points if “Sicily, 1942” was the first thing you thought here. IYKYK):

You’re turning 40 and you want to go big for your plans. Maybe that involves a getaway to a far away location, like Fiji (love this btw), and you want to do all the excursions - the parasailing, the snorkeling, the full spa days, all of it. Now, think of the people you’re bringing with you, how you’ll get there, and maybe what you’ll wear. Then, there’s the party - is it in your hometown? Do you rent a hall with all the people you’re inviting? Did you send out invites and get the best decorations? What about your birthday look here?! This all sounds amazing right? Right!

Now, picture this version: You’re turning 40 and instead of the big everything plans (which I don’t hate by the way, that scenario is still awesome), you go small and intimate, and decide to cross one thing that may or may not be on your bucket list. That could be anything from a weekend trip to Mackinaw, or Chicago; or maybe you finally book that boudoir session you’ve been on the fence about for forever.

Sure, it’s nice to do the session and give that final album to someone else. But think about what an amazing gift that is for YOURSELF. You get pampered with hair and makeup, you get dressed up or down in pretty lingerie and gorgeous gowns, you get amazing, handcrafted, luxury products from it.

The latter is the best part, because you can pull that out time and time again and peek inside, and you can tell yourself, “Damn, I am hot!” (That will be true with or without makeup, btw).

Would you do a boudoir session for your birthday?


What Do I Share From Your Boudoir Session?