What Do I Share From Your Boudoir Session?

This is such a valid question, and I’m glad you asked! So, let’s talk about it:

Boudoir photography is such an intimate genre of photography and my main goal will always be your privacy and safety.

While you said yes to yourself, and did that boudoir session, it’s still YOUR CHOICE on what I, as your photographer, am able to share online or in public forums. All my photo releases are there to protect the rights and privacy of all parties involved. They also serve as a protection for both parties by outlining the terms and conditions of image usage, ensuring that the subjects’ rights are respected and the photographer can appropriately showcase their work.

Here are all the types of photo releases that I currently offer:

1. Unrestricted Photo Release, aka The Full Boudie:

An unrestricted model release is just what it implies - the client grants the photographer full permission to use the photographs in any manner they see fit, which include advertising, marketing, and publication. If you choose this release, it gives me the explicit permission to share your final gallery images on my website (here!), my VIP Facebook Group and other social media platforms, in my portfolio, and also gives me permission to submit them to contests or exhibitions. The last hardly ever happens though.

2 - The Limited Use Photo Release:

My limited use photo release grants me specific permissions to use the photographs within defined parameters. The client and photographer will go over the final gallery and you will mark which photos that you are comfortable in sharing publicly. Those will be noted in the final release that you sign. The limited release can also allow the images to be used for portfolio purposes only or within a particular timeframe. This type of release provides the client with more control over how their images are utilized while still allowing the photographer to showcase their work.

3 - The Anonymous Release

My anonymous release is just like the limited use one. However, for this, I will pick out the images where you are anonymous. This means, any images where you are unable to see your entire face, and/or the use of images that are deemed detail shots - I will be able to use those. Everything else will be off the table and I will not share publicly online or in any portfolio work.

Photo releases play a crucial role in protecting the rights, privacy, and creative collaboration between clients and photographers, and your safety, and privacy will always come first!

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