No More Excuses


When we get nervous, we make excuses. We make excuses to not love ourselves, or that something else is more important than you and your wellbeing. It might be a spending time with a partner, or making sure the kids are okay, or it might even be that pile of things in the corner that you keep saying you need to go through and see what you need to get rid of in it, but in reality, you just keep adding to the same pile so it gets bigger and bigger.

Or, your excuse might be that you still want to lose weight to have that perfect body in the images you see in magazines, or more simply, you don’t have the money right now to spend.

What if I told you that you were worthy of a session no matter your size, your age, or even your wallet? Because you are.

Excuse #1: I don’t have enough time for myself

Then let’s make some time for you! Physically, and mentally.

It’s important to remember that if you aren’t taking care of you, in all the ways, you’re not going to be able to handle taking care of everyone else. That makes total sense, too, and it’s much harder said than done.

For me, I know first hand how hard it is to put your mental health first, which is why it’s mission to share this with everyone. I make the same excuses, and put off the same things, which puts a strain on yourself, like you’re being pulled in every direction possible - up, down, side, up-side down, and all the way around.

I psychically need someone to look me in the face and say, "SLOW DOWN, give yourself a break, breath for a minute!"

At a boudoir session, you are able to breathe, and give yourself the love it needs for a few hours - or an entire day. You need to take time for yourself, why not spend it having an amazing time and getting glammed up for once? You can even make a full day of it - a pampering session, your boudoir shoot, and then add on a massage, or take yourself out to dinner. You deserve it.

Excuse #2: I'm not where I want to be weight wise. I don't fit the media's idea of a good enough size

WHY do you have to be a certain size to LOVE yourself? WHY do you have to fit a strangers messed up idea of a perfect body to LOVE your own body? And more importantly, WHY are you comparing your size to everyone else, when no 2 women are the same!

The media’s depiction of the “average sized woman” is not average size at all. Most of us aren’t sample size, and don’t attain to be. Also, they are called love handles for a reason, not hate handles.

Yes, it’s great to have goals and want to get healthy, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your happiness to do so. It also doesn’t mean you have to hate on your body either.

You should love yourself every step of the way. Be proud of where you are so that you can be proud of where you're going. Have a boudoir session to celebrate where you are now, and then have one when you lose that 15 lbs to celebrate how far you've come!

Excuse #3: I'm never feel sexy or sensual anymore so a boudoir session must not be for me.


This excuse is actually the EXACT reason you SHOULD do a boudoir session.

There are a lot of times that we lose touch with our femininity or sexuality because life likes to get crazy, like bat-shit crazy, and I am here to tell you that I feel you, and I see you. This is absolutely normal!

A great way to find this side of ourselves again is to start planning a boudoir session, which will get you excited and bring out a new spark in us.

Another thing to remember is that you don't HAVE to wear super sexy clothing or even lingerie to feel sensual. There are so many outfit ideas for a boudoir session - a cozy sweater, his or hers tailored shirt, or even just silk sheets! Let’s talk about those.

Excuse #4:  A boudoir session is an investment and I don't have all the money right now.

Yes, a boudoir shoot IS an investment. It is also an investment in yourself. You are investing in your well-being and confidence as well!

I know money can be a stressful point when considering a session like this, but don’t worry. I have payment plans!

In order to book your shoot, there is a non-refundable session fee, and after that we can set up your payment plan for the remaining so that it might be easier to book your session! If you have any questions about our payment plans, shoot us an email while setting up your shoot!


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